West End and Highlands Montessori provides a well-rounded blend of Montessori practices combined with individualized attention for your child’s needs in all developmental domains. Our teachers are university educated with many years of experience in providing quality preschool education. In our school, children are taught self-discipline in a nurturing environment. Get in touch with us for more details.
For over four decades in Edmonton, Alberta, both our schools - West End Montessori and Highlands Montessori - have faithfully reflected Maria Montessori’s assessment of children:
“Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire to make them learn things, but by the endeavour always to keep burning within them that light which is called intelligence.”

The development of a healthy brain balances the intellectual, social, emotional, and the physical. In a Montessori prepared classroom, this is a natural harmonious process which takes place over time. Our teaching practices and learning materials take the child's mind naturally from and through the appreciation and understanding of “concrete” to “abstract” concepts. This is done by starting with simple activities (practical life) that graduate to increasing degrees of complexity and subjects; practical life is an extraordinary demonstration of indirect learning preparation for a 2-6-year-olds that provides a strong, confident, child motivated basis for writing, reading, comprehension, math, sciences, and social sciences.
At West End and Highlands Montessori we offer hands-on coaching for teachers, parents, and early childhood caregivers. We assist individuals with parenting tools, classroom management and support adults to develop a gamut of problem-solving skills with developmental challenges in real time. Our clients are mentored in effectively tackling the challenges of scaffolding learning for a child of any age, with another adult or even to help themselves learn better.
Our staff is comprised of experienced child educators with university teaching certification and education. Each staff member brings many years of practical hands-on experience in the preschool environment. Such experience is essential to their delicate and influential roles in the application of Montessori-based early learning.